Free Soccer Drills



Defensive Compactness | Opposed Practice (06-P1)

Set Up
202 yard for younger age groups, increasing in size with age increase no bigger than 302. Four players to keep possession on outside of square with two Floaters either end & 1-2 placed centrally, with four Yellows central trying to regain possession. When possession regained Yellows move to outside, Blues become central defending players.

06 P1a

Progression 1 | 4 In - 4 Out
Once defenders have gained possession, then now become outside players and switch play.

06 P1b

Progression 2 | Step Inside
1 player can step inside off the line, encouraging outside floater to find angles.

06 P1c

Progression 3 | Rotation
Central Floater can rotate with outside floater to encourage fluid movement.

06 P1d

Key Coaching Points
  • Players love this possession practice, yet must be disciplined to ensure practice runs smoothly. Once possession lost, there is no immediate regain, players must get to the inside and regain team must move to outside before possession contested.
  • SPACE | Ensure practice area is appropriate for age group, may need to add 5 yard outside zone for younger players
  • TIME | Players have 2 seconds in transition to get inside and outside, change groups every 2-3 minutes, go through groups twice.
  • EQUIPMENT | Need to have a supply of balls with transition regular. 2/3 sets of bibs (4) and flat discs to ensure minimum disruption to session. Ability to finish chances.
  • PLAYER | May want to designate Floater players as those identified as needing to improve in possession. Be creative with numbers 5 v 5 + 2 Floaters?

06 P1e

Player Focus
Passing | Movement To Receive | Body shape | Defensive Compactness | Press Decision