Free Soccer Drills



Overloads In Advanced Areas | Game 2 Practice (46-P1)

This practice aims to replicate the game situation in the form of a technical passing practice, with a focus on movement of players away from mannequins (opposition markers) to play forward quickly.


Set Up
This shows how units can create pocket overloads to break defensive lines in the midfield and attacking thirds. We can see from this situation between City and Chelsea during the 2017-2018 Season; how Pep attempts to create an overload in the half spaces (pockets).



Birds Eye View | From Game to Practice to Game
We can view the area of the pitch in which this session would be positioned, placing the practice into context for both players and coaches. Here we have two number 10s in place to show the movement patterns from back to front and vice versa..



Zoom In | Defensive Counters
A closer look, illustrates the passing patterns and movement off mannequins to recieve the ball to play forward. Focus on timing of movement, passing quality and first touch. Possible progression could include number 10 finishing on each rotation to simulate a forward pass, coach must ensure balls are recycled continuously.




Click this image...
to view Barcelona's Tika Taka Overloads in action..
