Attack Centrally If Midfield Marked | Opposed (54-P1)


21 5v2 Combine Through A

Set Up
This basic, yet effective, possession practice can be used to develop players ability to find space in between or off the shoulder of players to combine and maintain possession. In a 15m2 area, we have 4 players on the outside who can work around the edge of the square and one centrally to combine. 
Two defending players must regain possession as many times as they can in a given time. Initial focus must be defensive players to defend together and press correctly to provide challenge for possession team. 
Duration | 20 minutes
Age Group | 9+
Players | 7+
Player Focus
Finding Space | Weight/Accuracy Of Pass | 1 or 2 Touch Decision Making | Angles & Distance
Key Coaching Point 1 | Movement To Play
Central player must perform Go & Show movements to find space.
Q = How do outside players know where the space can be created?
21 5v2 Combine Through B


Progression 1 | Rotation
Central Player must switch with outside teammate immediately after combining
Q = Which player should you rotate with here?

21 5v2 Combine Through C

Progression 2 | 4 v 3 Regain
If 2 DFs win possession, they become a 4 v 3 with 2 floaters.
Q = How could you create a clear overload?
21 5v2 Combine Through D
Progression 3 | 1-2 Play
Possession Player scores 2 points for a 1-2 around DF, or a goal for combining through the middle.
Q = How could you create better 2 v 1 chances?
Touchtight Coaching Tips
With more players, as in a squad of 14, have 2 practices run side by side.
More advanced coaches could develop this so that players switch groups during practice, encouraging effective communication. Try to develop individual players technical ability in this quite concentrated practice, with movement and passing the main focus.
SPACE: This practice is all about space and so you, as the coach, must encourage players to use feints, and use 1 or 2 touches to play around
TIME: Work 2 DFs for 2 minutes to develop the press in addition to possession technique. Challenge how many times in 2 minutes can possession be regained.
EQUIPMENT: Simple flat discs if possible with balls and bibs. Could add flat disc to central of area, splitting area into 4 in which central player must use to combine in each area?
PLAYER: Work with the numbers you have, i.e. 6 v 3 or other. Try to relate this to positions in the pitch. e.g. Number 10 combining in attacking third.