Free Soccer Drills



Counter Attacking | Skill Practice (02-P2)

Set Up / Organisation
This Dribbling practice requires 6-12 players in a 252 area, each dribbling a ball. Players encouraged to be creative and try as many tricks and dribbles as they can.

02 P2a

Progression 1 | Target Zones
  • Add 2 areas, where players must perform a different trick and with increased traffic closer control is encouraged.

02 P2b

Progression 2 | Defending Player
  • Add a defender to add pressure to dribblers, so they must avoid each other as well as perform a dribble in area.

02 P2c

Progression 3 | Passing Floater
  • With increased difficulty with added defender, a floater could act as a wall pass for dribblers under pressure.
Key Coaching Points
  • To develop dribbling as a skill, we must ensure players are comfortable without pressure, before adding these progressions. Coaches may wish to focus on a specific dribble before or after allowing players to be expressive in trying new skills.
  • S | Depending on numbers the area can be reduced or increased in size, to alter difficulty based on player's ability.
  • T | Dribblers could be encouraged to get a certain number of dribbles in each area or within a certain time. i.e. 5 different dribbles or tricks in 30 seconds in each area.
  • E | Extra floaters can be added or number of balls reduced so players must lay ball off after dribble and become a passer.
  • P | With added defenders, dribblers challenge is increased and lessened with added floaters, as the coach you must decide what course of action to take.
  • Advanced | More able young players may have the area split into 4 quarters, and encouraged to perform a different dribble in each area, again opposed. They could also be encouraged during the practice to only use their weaker foot, or alternate feet in each dribble.